Archive | January, 2014

Things that will be happening in 2014.

14 Jan

2013 was as previously mentioned generally a ball of suck. There was some spectacular moments however which I would like to thank my beautiful 2nd family for (aka my friends). There’s a few things that I’m going to ensure happen this year to make sure it’s 100 times better 2013. 2014 shall be the bomb!

I will have a kick ass birthday with my nearest & dearest.
Every year I have a kick ass birthday but this is the first I’ll be single for a good few years, so relying a lot on my friends to make sure I feel the love. I’ve no doubt I’ll enjoy the celebrations & my best friend has already booked the day off – I am adamant I will have a brilliant day no matter what!


I will go to London & see One Direction at Wembley
When I originally had tickets booked for this I liked 1D but wasn’t that phased by them. Oh how a couple of months change a person! I’m now an avid Directioner & beyond excited to see my 5 favourite boys on stage belting out their best songs. I’m pretty sure I’ll weep & there had better be a lot of security to stop me from stealing Harry Styles.


I will travel Europe. FINALLY.
After years of desperately wanting too, I am finally booked with one of my best girls to travel around Europe. We get to go to various places I’ve always wanted too including Paris, the French Riviera, Rome, Venice, Monaco & Amsterdam. I cannot wait to see the Eiffel Tower, leaning tower of Pisa, wine taste in Italy & visit the museums in Amsterdam. It’s a once in a lifetime trip & one I’m sure to never forget.


I will get a tattoo.
Maybe. Possibly. I’m not sure. I’ve wanted one for years. It took 22 years to man up to piercings & I conquered that fear royally by getting 5 last year, beyond proud of myself. If I’m ever going to get a tattoo it’ll be in 2014. If not I have to give up in that pipe dream & accept that it’s not meant to be.


I will make the gym a habit, not a phase.
Every year I go through a couple of massive fitness rampages & go to the gym all the time for a couple of months then get bored. This year I’m hoping to make it a constant habit rather than a brief phase. I went for the first time in months yesterday & had an absolute blast, I forgot how much I enjoy it when I go!


I will remember how to talk to men/flirt again.
Not to be boastful but there was a time when I was the queen of flirting, banter & talking to guys. Then I was in a relationship for years so I didn’t have to bother with that stuff & was more than happy that way. Only now I’m single & I’ve forgotten how to do these things. How do I get out of friend zone? What is flirting nowadays? What the hell do I say when a guy approaches me in a bar? Cause usually I giggle & go hide behind my guy friends, which I think that may be giving mixed messages…


Start dating again.
This is another maybe like the tattoo thing. I tried dating straight after I came out of a relationship last year & although I had a great time I realised I was by no means ready for dating before the guy even made it to date number 2. Admittedly that was far too soon & I’ve accepted I want to be solo for a while, but maybe towards the end of next year I’ll be ready again for a man in my life. I really enjoy being in a relationship & there’s no greater feeling than being in love, i definitely want to be in that place again. But when I’m ready.


I’ll be a better friend.
I can be a total asshole for absolutely no reason at times. Moodswings make me stroppy & snappy towards my family & friends & I can’t take my bad moods out on them anymore, it’s not fair.


I’ll make an effort at work.
Not an effort to the actual work I do because I’m satisfied I couldn’t do any more than I already do. I mean I’ll make an effort in how I look, I grew far too comfortable in rocking the hobo look at work but no more, I shall wear make up & wear nice clothes. I WILL look like a respectable employee damnit!


I’ll go to bed at a reasonable time.
I’m used to running on about 4/5 hours sleep. It’s not healthy & it’s definitely not good for me so I’m determined I’ll get a minimum of 6 hours sleep a night & aim for 7/8 if possible.


I’ll start saving to move out.
This won’t be happening until after summer when I go travelling. Until then all of my money is going towards that. I’ve wanted to move out for a long time now & think it’s time I start saving to get my own place. I’ll miss things like my mum & dad looking after me but I need my own independence really.


2014 will undoubtedly be better than 2013. These are the things I’ve already planned, I cannot what to see what unexpected things happen!