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Effortlessly cool.

27 Sep

This sunday approaching I will be celebrity stalking. It’s not the first time I’ve done this, I like celebritys. Particularly attractive male ones. In the past I’ve accidently followed the JLS tour bus (sincere accident) and went to Oceana to be in the same room as Mark Wright. On all occasions I couldn’t get near the named celebrities. Except for one which was unexpected accidental stalking.

I always thought if I met a celebrity I was slightly obsessed with I’d play it cool & seem unaffected by their fame but complimentary at the same time. I managed to prove myself wrong at a Boyce Avenue gig when I was a foot infront of Tyler Hilton (Chris keller from One Tree Hill OMG!) and I stood screaming in his face unable to say actual words.

This is Tyler Hilton. I screamed in his face for what felt like an eternity.

Anyway, this coming sunday I’ll be going to Syndicate to pursue Jamie Laing. Jamie is a gentleman from Made in Chelsea. I’ve been in denial about liking this show for a while now & pretended to not know what people were on about if they mentioned it. I don’t know why but I just couldn’t come to terms with it. But the only reason I got into it was because of Jamie going on a massive rant & saying “Fuuuuckkkk!” He has a very passionate, expressive and husky way of saying the word ‘fuck’ and I’ve never admired someone for the way they say it before. He’s also the most normal, funny & slightly weird man on the show and is the heir to the throne of Mcvities. And owns a candy shop. Even mum approves as she likes jaffa cakes. Perfect man.

Jamie Laing Mid Rant.

But how to attract him? I must be edgy, dressed well, perfect hair, lots of eyeliner, perfect tan but look completly and utterly effortlessly cool. There is a ridiculous amount of effort put into looking effortless. I’ve spent approximately 9 hours trying to find something cool to wear. I don’t want something too dressy as it is a freshers night & I need to blend in or they’ll know I’m not a student and treat me like a leper. Can’t be something too casual as I won’t feel comfortable. Can’t be something tight as I won’t feel confident. And it can’t be something too slutty as I have some respect for myself!

I decided upon leggings and a cool top and to go for a rock chick vibe. I love the rock  chick look, I used to be a goth when I was about 14 and i think aspects of that have never left me. I’m still happy with lots of eyeliner on and have various leather coats & tops with skulls or studs on.

Heres what I eventually decided to wear & I’ll post a picture of it on if it all looks cool together! Also I finally found a pair of winter boots. EUPHORIC!